Week in review 2/2021

Week 2 has been one of the better starts into a new year. I got out for at least an hour every day, and I tried to be smart enough to alternate running and hiking days so as to not overload the various systems in my body that may have gotten out of the habit of daily movement over the past few years with its various health challenges (plantar fasciitis, broken toe, lock-down motivation issues).

Monday, January 4th: 10.0km trail run in 1h06

Tuesday, January 5th: 6.4km hike in 1h03

Wednesday, January 6th: 10.1km trail run in 1h06

Thursday, January 7th: 7.8km hike in 1h13

Friday, January 8th: 10.7km trail run in 1h06

Saturday, January 9th: 10.2km hike in 1h42

Sunday, January 10th: 10.7km trail run in 1h04

That translates into 41.6km of weekly running volume and 24.5km of low-impact hiking on top.

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