Week in review 4/2021

I knew going into this week that scheduling training efforts would be more challenging. I had a training course I’d need to follow every work day from 9am to 5pm, which pretty much coincides with daylight hours during winter. I didn’t sleep well most of the week and those days I didn’t manage to get moving early enough before the training course started to still get an effort in; and then by the work day was over I was too tired to still head out in the dark. So I’m marking 3 days as “fail”.

Monday, January 18: No training. Fail.

Tuesday, January 19: No training. Fail.

Wednesday, January 20: 8.7km early morning trail run in 1h02

Thursday, January 21: 30min on the treadmill (run/walk), 403m elev gain. 3.5km.

Friday, January 22 No training. Fail.

Saturday, January 23: 12.6km trail run in 1:22

Sunday, January 24: 13.6km hike in 2h17

On a positive note among all those failed days, on Wednesday I got out for a sunrise run and on Sunday I did a long(er) hike in fairly nice light (for photography) and weather.

I also managed to set a personal benchmark of climbing over 400m of elevation on the treadmill in a half-hour effort. Over time, I hope to reach 500m in 30 minutes; as well as the elusive target of climbing 1000m in an hour.

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