Running: 131.6km / 2382m elev / 13:33:32 total time Walking: 93.79km / 1841m elev / 19:39:53 total time Cycling: 323.50km / 2812m elev / 11:31:43 total time Total time outside: 44h45 Average weight: 82.1kg / Average Body Fat: 15.6% September was a marked improvement over August, at least as far as running and walking/hiking was…
Category: Month in review
August 2020
Running: 28.37km / 444m elev / 2:47:40 total time Walking: 22.60km / 309m elev / 3:44:14 total time Cycling: 416.19km / 4120m elev / 18:54:07 total time Total time outside: 25h26 Average weight: 82.8kg / Average Body Fat: 16.3% Well, those are the cold hard numbers. My fitness has gone down a lot in 2020,…
Month in review: March 2018
March was a solid month as far as running distance was concerned. However, I find myself working more on my endurance and speed, and less on my climbing legs. Maybe that’s called building a base, or maybe I’m going to look back at this after my skyrunning adventures in summer and call it lack of…
Month in review: February 2018
Another month, another monthly summary. So what made February stand out? Certainly not time on the bike or on the track, of which there were none. I did get some decent running done while on vacation in mountainous Madeira, and continued doing some regular partial run commutes and lunch runs, however.
Month in review: January 2018
January 2018 in a nutshell: Lots of running, a lot of it via partial work commutes, some decent efforts on the weekends; with just a tiny bit of track work and cycling thrown in.
Month in review: December 2017
December saw over 200km of road and trail-running, but no track&field, no cycling and no weight training whatsoever. I can see the improvement that fairly consistent running is having on my pace, but I’m still not quite where I want to be.
Month in review: November 2017
November in Luxembourg is when the weather takes a turn for the worse and when daylight hours get sufficiently short so that it’s still dark before and after work; somewhat impacting my options for commuting and sports in general.
Month in review: October 2017
October was a high-volume month bike month, with a renewed focus on track training. Since I don’t have endless time and energy something had to give, so I did less running.
Month in review: April 2017
April was mostly a good month, but I might have wished for a better final week. I caught some kind of bug and ended up weak and tired, which meant I took six full days off running. Track&field: Only 7 training sessions this month, a little over half of what I did in March. Clearly,…
Month in review: March 2017
March was a high-volume month, and I’m quite happy with the majority of the training efforts even though I wish I had had some more energy during a handful. I set a new personal record for calories burned within a month (a highly imprecise number, granted): 26,415. Track&field: March was a solid month as far…