Month in review: March 2018

March was a solid month as far as running distance was concerned. However, I find myself working more on my endurance and speed, and less on my climbing legs. Maybe that’s called building a base, or maybe I’m going to look back at this after my skyrunning adventures in summer and call it lack of specificity? Only time will tell.

Road and trail running: Two sick days in early March dragged down the numbers a bit, but I still managed to cross the 200km monthly threshold (albeit on the 31st, and only barely). I ran on 14 days (which ensured adequate rest and recovery). Only did a couple of run commutes, which means I did 16 runs in total. My longest trail run was 23km, and I almost managed a vertical kilometer during a Saarschleife training once.  Three runs were over 20km in distance. In total, I covered 201km and 4936m of elevation in 19:16:51.

Track&field: None.

Cycling: I commuted to work on five days, for a total of 217km and 8:22:00. I climbed 1369m.

Walking: 36km. 489m of elevation gain. Not a big focus this month.

Total time outside: 34:10 hours.

Body composition: 79.17kg. 13.89% body fat. These numbers are way down from February (-1.51kg, -0.75% BF). When I was sick I didn’t eat for an entire day, but surprisingly the weight kept dropping over the course of the month.


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