Running: 131.6km / 2382m elev / 13:33:32 total time
Walking: 93.79km / 1841m elev / 19:39:53 total time
Cycling: 323.50km / 2812m elev / 11:31:43 total time
Total time outside: 44h45
Average weight: 82.1kg / Average Body Fat: 15.6%
September was a marked improvement over August, at least as far as running and walking/hiking was concerned. Having the first two weeks of the month off work helped with the amount of time I was able to spend outside (a whopping 45 hours!), and as a consequence I walked/hiked on 19 days of the month and ran on 15. With a renewed focus on my feet, and bad weather towards the end of the month cycling took a hit, however; I ended up only cycling on 7 days (4 of which were work commute days where I clocked about 60km each). All this movement contributed to losing a bit of weight and body fat.