Distance hiked: 12,75 km in 2:25:17; with an average pace of 11:24 min/km and 293 m elevation gain.
Hike and climb to Zwölferspitze (Secondary summit)
Ascent from valley floor (Neder) via Pinnistal, past Elferspitze on normal route. Scramble from Zwölfernieder to the secondary summit of Zwölferspitze (2562m) required some easy climbing (UIAA II). Return via panorama trail and cable car. 19km for the day, 1900m ascent, 1100m descent.
Hike and climb to Elferspitze (Östlicher Elferturm)
Ascend from valley floor (Neder) via Pinnistal. Climb via Nordwand Klettersteig (rated “difficult”, “C/D”). 22km for the day, 1650m elevation gain and loss.